Saturday 15 August 2020

The end (for now)...

That's it for now - there's no 'Public Policy and the Past' blog entry for August, because it's holiday time! Well, if one week away - with your laptop - is a 'holiday', though it probably does count given what everyone's gone through over the last few months. With the British government still facing its greatest crisis since the Second World War, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission report into the Labour Party soon due, and Higher Education on the precipice, this blog will be back in September for just a little while yet. Hopefully that will help to make just a little bit of sense from it all, if indeed any can be made. Happy August!  

PLEASE NOTE: This blog will be coming to an end in October. The very first entry was published on 25 October 2010, and exactly ten years later seems like the right time to bring down the curtain. There is so much to do, and some other people are very kindly asking me to write for them. The blog will therefore cease, although it will stay up as a reference point - for its hyperlinks, if nothing else. So, given this traditional August break, there are only two more monthly blogs to come. Hopefully they will be good ones...